As part of our stocking program, this autumn we decided that it was the right time to invest and improve our stocking in anticipation for a fantastic 2019 of fishing.
Stocking saw us introduce 70 Carp from Thames Valley Aquatics into the stock lakes of which were a progeny of their original T1 fish! Of these 70 carp we introduced a mix of Sherwoods Carp Farm (Martin Moore’s fish which loosely became known as Dinton Strain), Sherwoods x True Leney cross (artificial spawning), progeny of Broad Oak fish and Sherwoods x Simmo cross (natural spawning). Now all genetic lines mixed through natural spawning.
The new carp will make an excellent addition to the lakes and will ensure that the standard of fishing improves year on year at Seven Lakes. We will continue to monitor our stocks along with the quality of the lakes and potential environmental improvements. We hope that this news will excite our season ticket holders and regulars as much as it has our bailiffs!