Take a Friend Fishing for FREE

Take a Friend Fishing for FREE


  • Ticket valid for one day between 14th Aug – 4th October
  • Ticket only valid with a licence from – https://joinanglingtrust.net/takeafriendfishing/
  • You must apply for a ‘Free One Day Environment Agency Fishing Licence’ for your friend
  • This ticket covers two anglers on any lake at Seven Lakes from 7am – 7pm
  • All fishery rules apply


From the 14th August to 4th October (inclusive) you can sign-up for a free one-day Environment Agency fishing licence to take a friend, family member or colleague fishing and show them what fishing is all about!


About Take a Friend Fishing – Apply for a Free One Day Environment Agency Fishing Licence

From the 14th August to 4th October (inclusive) anglers will be able to register for a free one day Environment Agency Fishing Licence to take a friend, family member or colleague fishing.

It doesn’t matter who they are – we just want them to go fishing with a licence holding angler and enjoy the wonders of fishing and all of its proven health and wellbeing benefits.

The recent boom in angling has demonstrated the interest from the public to go fishing and we want to make it as easy as possible to do it- there’s never been a better time to take someone you know fishing!

All you need to do is fill in the form here, provide some details and the date you want to go. Your friend will get an email asking them for a few more details and as soon as that’s done you’ll receive their free licence.

The good thing is that you can take a copy of the licence on your phone and just show that to any Environment Agency Officers.

Take a Friend Fishing is a brilliant way of introducing a new person to angling and you can still do it while you “socially distance” too.

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